Nut. Cover. Retainer. Bumper. Bracket. (Front, Rear, Upper, Lower)

Part Number: 11609385
Supersession(s): 11515478; 21098347

A solid metal or plastic block with a threaded hole in the center which is used to tighten or adjust the Radiator Support Panel. Air Filter Housing Nut. Battery Hold Down Nut. Bumper Cover Support Rail Nut. Bumper Impact Bar Clip. Bumper Impact Bar Nut. Fender Support Nut. Hardware used to attach Bumper Cover to the vehicle. Instrument Panel Nut. Nut that secures the grille. Nut to secure Bumper Cover. Nut used to mount headlight. Part serviced with Battery tray. Radiator Support Splash Shield Nut. Valance Panel Nut. Included with: Carrier assembly, Mount Panel.

Headlight Mounting NutGrille NutBumper Impact Bar ClipValance Panel NutBumper Cover RetainerBattery Hold Down NutBumper Cover NutBumper Cover Support Rail NutRadiator Support Splash Shield NutBumper Impact Bar NutAir Filter Housing NutFender Support NutInstrument Panel NutRadiator Support Panel Nut

Diagram AIR INTAKE. for your Cadillac ATS
Required: 1
2007-09. 4. 6 liter.
2007-09. 4.6 LITER. Housing U-nut.
Diagram AIR INTAKE. for your Cadillac ATS
Required: 1
2007-09. 3. 6 liter. Elbow end. Flex end.
2007-09. 3.6 LITER. Housing U-nut.
Diagram FRONT BUMPER. BUMPER & COMPONENTS. for your Cadillac ATS
Required: 1
W/LUXURY package. #1. #2. #3.
#1. Bumper cover U-nut. Front Upper. PartQualifier: #1. W/LUXURY PACKAGE.
Diagram FRONT BUMPER. BUMPER & COMPONENTS. for your Cadillac ATS
Required: 1
Carbon. Chrome. Magna. Type 2.
Front Upper. Impact bar U-nut. TYPE 2.
Diagram REAR BUMPER. BUMPER & COMPONENTS. for your Cadillac ATS
Required: 1
CHEVROLET. GMC W/O DENALI. inner. outer. towing receptical.
GMC W/O DENALI. Left.CHEVROLET. Lower deflector nut. Rear. Right.CHEVROLET.
Diagram Front bumper. Bumper & components. for your Cadillac ATS
Required: 1
GMC YUKON. w/Denali. w/o Denali.
Front Upper. GMC YUKON. Impact bar U-nut.
Diagram FRONT BUMPER. BUMPER & COMPONENTS. for your Cadillac ATS
Required: 1
GMC. repair kit. w/denali. w/o Denali.
GMC. Impact bar U-nut.
Diagram FRONT BUMPER. BUMPER & COMPONENTS. for your Cadillac ATS
Required: 1
CADILLAC. repair kit. w/o Platinum. w/Platinum.
CADILLAC. Front Upper. Impact bar U-nut.
Diagram Front bumper. Bumper & components. for your Cadillac ATS
Required: 1
ESCALADE EXT. repair kit.
ESCALADE EXT. Impact bar U-nut.
Diagram FRONT BUMPER. BUMPER & COMPONENTS. for your Cadillac ATS
Required: 1
1/2 ton. 3/4 ton. SEDAN. W/O off road PACKAGE-Z71.
Front Upper. Impact bar U-nut. SEDAN. W/O OFF ROAD PACKAGE-Z71.

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$ 7.10

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